USAA Rideshare Emergency Ride Home (ERH)
The circumstances and use of USAA’s Emergency Ride Home Program are:
- All employees who use an alternative mode of transportation and register with USAA Rideshare, may participate in
the Emergency Ride Home Program. To register yourself as an alternative mode user:
- Visit go/usaarideshare and click the “Get Started” button to create your profile.
- Registered employees will be provided and limited to (4) emergency rides in one calendar year. Emergency rides may
not be accumulated or carried over.
- Transportation will be provided to registered employees who encounter the following circumstances during the
- Unexpected severe illness of an immediate family member – includes spouse, children, mother, father,
sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law.
- Unexpected severe illness
- Inclement weather – precipitation, extreme heat or high winds -at the close of business day
(walkers/bicycle riders only)
- Missed bus due to required overtime only – tardiness will not be covered.
- Carpool/Vanpool driver delayed due to unexpected, required overtime or left the office due to personal emergency
(thus stranding riders).
- No pre-approval is needed to use the Emergency Ride Home Program.
- Registered employees may use their preferred ride for hire (Lyft, Uber, Taxi) and be reimbursed 100% of the fare
(excluding tips).
- Reimbursement
form must be completed and submitted to USAA Rideshare within
10 days of the emergency ride home.
- USAA absence policies and practices remain in force when an employee uses emergency transportation.
- When an employee uses emergency transportation, they are no longer on company business/company time and USAA
assumes no responsibility for the employee during this time.
- For more information, email USAA Rideshare.